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Microblading in Nashville by The Glam House Nashville

Aug 7

What is Microblading? How Does it Work and What to Expect

If you've been thinking about getting your eyebrows tattooed, you might be wondering, "What is Microblading? How does it work?" This article will explain how the procedure works and what you can expect from the process. First, you need to understand that microblading is not for everyone. There are certain health conditions you should avoid if you want a perfect result.

Your skin type will affect the outcome of the procedure. If you have dry skin, microblading is likely to give you the most vibrant pigment and crispest strokes. If you have oily skin, your microblading treatment may leave you with a slightly softer brow. However, the procedure will not prevent hair growth and will not affect the pigment in your skin.

Before your procedure, the microblading artist will look at your brows to determine the shade of pigment and shape you want. Then, they'll sketch the desired shape on your brow. Ana Morris, the owner of Reshape Microblading Studio in Austin, Texas, says her technique is a way to achieve a natural-looking hair stroke pattern.

There are several precautions you should take before your treatment. First, avoid alcohol and blood thinners 48 hours before your treatment. Next, avoid caffeine and omega-3 products on the day of your procedure. Second, avoid waxing for at least two weeks and intense skin treatments for seven days before your microblading appointment. If you're taking antibiotics, you must wait at least 14 days before your treatment.

The pigment in your eyebrows will fade after three to four days. After your initial treatment, you may need touch-ups every six to eight weeks. Depending on your skin type, you'll need to visit your technician every six to eight weeks. After your initial treatment, the pigment will settle in your skin. This step is important as it prevents fading. During the first few days, the color will fade significantly and may even peel off.

A microbladed brow will heal over a month, but you should follow the aftercare instructions carefully. Redness, swelling, and scabbing will most likely occur. If you pick at the scabs, you'll risk a bacterial infection and prolong your healing process. You should always follow the instructions given by your artist. If you follow these instructions, you should have your eyebrows ready in about a month.

A microblading procedure is an effective way to give your eyebrows a natural look. Microblading is a process that uses a hand-held microblade tool to implant hair-like strokes into your skin. These hair strokes can last for up to two years, and microblading is a great option for those looking to add some definition to their eyebrows.

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The Glam House Nashville
1505 54th Ave North Nashville, TN 37209